Your Name (required)
Your Organisation | Please upload a high res logo below (required)
Your Email (required)
Who We Are (A short statement introducing your organisation)
More About Us (A more detailed description about your organisation, the work you’re involved in etc.)
Who We Are Looking For (A statement about the type of roles on offer at your organisation, and the type of people that you seek)
LGBTI Inclusion (This is an opportunity to allow you to promote your organisation’s LGBTI Inclusivity. You could talk about your LGBTI resource group, and inclusion initiatives you are particularly proud of, the promotion of allies and/or executive support etc.)
Where Are You Located (State Locations i.e NSW, VIC etc.)
Key Professions in your Organisation
Opportunities (variety of roles on offer or your careers website)
Qualifications Required
Size of Organisation
Organisational Benefits
Contact Details
Organisational Facebook URL
Organisational Twitter URL
Organisational LinkedIn URL
Organisational Google+ URL
This is an opportunity to profile as many of your employees as you would like on their experience of identifying as LGBTI and working for your organisation. Please provide one to two paragraphs per employee.
Please include employee/s name and role in organisation and a high res headshot (headshot optional).
Our People| Please upload a high res headshot below (1)
Our People| Please upload a high res headshot below (2)
Our People | Please upload a high res headshot below (3)
If you would like to include anything else in your LGBTI Inclusive Employers Profile, please include it here (can be text or images)
Additional Information