Welcome Here Project

Businesses and organisations are being encouraged to demonstrate their support for the LGBTQ community and to foster inclusive environments by getting involved in The Welcome Here Project.

Spearheaded by ACON, NSW’s leading LGBTQ health organisation, The Welcome Here Project aims to support local business owners and organisations to create and promote environments that are visibly welcoming and inclusive of LGBTQ people. It is a relaunch of the popular Safe Place Project, which was set up in 1992 in response to high levels of street-based violence directed at members of LGBTQ communities.                                                               

While incidences of street-based violence has reduced since the beginning of the project, LGBTQ people continue to experience violence at higher rates than the general community and there has been a disturbing trend of increased public violence against trans and gender diverse people. Furthermore, studies show increased reporting of verbal abuse and discrimination by LGBTQ people.

As a refresh of the Safe Space program, the Welcome Here Project has been updated to adapt to the changing face of LGBTQ violence, as well as to support local business owners and organisations in celebrating diversity and inclusion.

To participate, order your packs here